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Who We Are

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The Chief Accountant & Organiser



Mr Vishal Nanda BA (Hons), MA


Mr. Nanda has been working in Accounting since 1994 over a broad base, helping businesses in the areas of online services, recruitment, retail, catering, financial services, property and construction.


Originally trained in accounting at the University of Portsmouth and then at the University of Southampton, he has recently (2016) completed a Masters in Economics at Kingston University, London.



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External Advisor


Mr Amit Shingdia Msc


Mr. Shingdia owns his own HR recruitment company and a close advisor to VN Accounting Ltd.


Specialising in IT with a degree in computer science and a masters in Multimedia Information Systems from Portsmouth University, he has worked to match up numerous candidates and companies throughout his career.


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Accounting Contractors​


At present VN Accounting Ltd are using four additional contractors on operations.


These are closely and carefully chosen people with considerable experience.


Partner Accounting firms and specialist advisors are also called into the picture depending on the work to hand.

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We are continually searching for extremely driven people to work in our organisation. 



They should understand the importance of team work, communication and the need to surpass client expectation.


We are committed in helping all our staff develop and progress.

Our Firm

Companies House Registration Number:   05029548



Soon to open our first office in central London.


Currently able to provide a workforce of about 20 Accountants of various levels, depending on the work at hand and requirements VN Accounting Limited continues to work with:

  • Specific Accounting Firms
  • Accounting contractors

  • Outsourcing with reliable foreign firms

  • Other business partners

  • Looking to recruit soon




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